• 0811 321 3321
  • admin@binarobbani.sch.id
  • Jl. Cimandala Raya Kav. 30, Sukaraja - Kab. Bogor
  • News

    Peremajaan Musholla Adz Dzuriyyah Tahap 2
    2% Donated of Rp. 25,000,000
    No Days left to achieve target
    Peremajaan Musholla Adz Dzuriyyah Tahap 1
    2% Donated of Rp. 25,000,000
    No Days left to achieve target
    Peremajaan Musholla Adz Dzuriyyah
    2% Donated of Rp. 25,000,000
    No Days left to achieve target
    New Exterior Design of Our School
    50% Donated of $12,000
    No Days left to achieve target
    Setup New Football Stadium
    13% Donated of $33,000
    No Days left to achieve target
    Rebuilding Classrooms for Poor Children
    15% Donated of $560,000
    No Days left to achieve target
    Restoration of School Old Cafeteria
    100% Donated of $10,000
    Thank You!
    School Lunch Program “More than me”
    93% Donated of $20,000
    No Days left to achieve target
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