• 0811 321 3321
  • admin@binarobbani.sch.id
  • Jl. Cimandala Raya Kav. 30, Sukaraja - Kab. Bogor
  • Materi Pelajaran Online

    Tahun Pelajaran 2024-2025

    Mata Pelajaran Rumpun Total JP
    Belajar Membaca Al Qur’an Ulumul Qur’an 10
    Ilmu Tajwid Ulumul Qur’an 10
    Tahfidz al Qur’an Ulumul Qur’an 40
    Ilmu Diniyyah Dasar-Panduan Aqidah Praktis Diniyyah Dasar 2
    Ilmu Diniyyah Dasar: Sifat Shalat Nabi SAW Diniyyah Dasar 2
    Ilmu Diniyyah Dasar: Fiqih Shaum Praktis Diniyyah Dasar 2
    Ilmu Diniyyah Dasar: Adab Penuntut Ilmu Diniyyah Dasar 2
    Ulumul Qur’an: Adab Pengemban Al Qur’an Ulumul Qur’an 2
    Ilmu Diniyyah Dasar: Fiqih Wanita Praktis Ulumul Qur’an 2
    Bahasa Arab Dasar Diniyyah Lanjutan & B. Arab 1
    Paket Pelajaran Umum Pengetahuan Umum 4
    Ekstra Kurikuler & Pengembangan Karakter Ekstra Kurikuler & Kecakapan Hidup 4

    From 10 faculty members, 40 students and three fields of study at the time of its founding, Secondary School has grown to more than 1,600 faculty, 35,000 students and over 350 degree programs in 130 academic departments and 80 interdisciplinary research units.

    One of the most important things we can do for students is not just teach them specific knowledge and skills, but help them match their interests to their career path.

    Secondary School has grown to more than 1,600 faculty, 35,000 students and over 350 degree programs in 130 academic departments and 80 interdisciplinary research units. We can do for students is not just teach them specific knowledge and skills, but help them match their interests to their career path.

    Important Dates

    • 7:30 am to 11:00 pm
    • Cimandala, Bogor
    Tes Seleksi Masuk Gel. 3

    Tes Seleksi PPDB Gelombang III 2024-2025

    Related Information

    • Semester start and end dates, holidays
    • Accreditation
    • Bear Facts
    • Graduate Division
    • Research at Our School
    • Textbooks: Cal Student Store
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